At least the Ten Commandments are God’s revelation, aren’t they? (1)

Both Luther and Forde sometimes speak of the Ten Commandments as divine revelation – laws sent from heaven above to earth below.

At the same time they both also refer to the Ten Commandments as human codes that are not absolute or divine. These statements, some of which are given below, are not flippant or erratic. Rather, they are important clarifications relating to the larger questions: What is revelation? What is election?

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The 1983 Martin Luther Jubilee: Inge Lønning

In November 1983 the Lutheran Council in the USA sponsored a series of lectures in honor of the 500th birthday of Martin Luther. One of the many eminent speakers was Dr. Inge Lønning of Norway, who, for many years, was a leading member of the international Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue. His address, “Luther and Ecumenism,” is transcribed from the audio-tape of his presentation.

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