- The Order of Deacon: Stepping stone to being ordained a pastor – 2
- The Order of Deacon: Stepping stone to being ordained a pastor – 1
- Eaton’s Elephant
- “The Church Faithful and Apostate,” George Lindbeck, ELCA Churchwide Assembly, 1993
- The ELCA’s Required Episcopate
- The Problem with CCM
- Problems in Opening the Book of Faith
- A Wince, Not a Wink, for The Lutheran Handbook
- Declining support for missions chart
- How mission statistics are inflated
- Feminist God language in ELCA hymnal
- Social agendas in the ELCA hymnal
- The ELCA’s anti-Israel bias
- The ELCA’s anti-Israel bias II
- Wengert: Wrong on the priesthood of all believers
- Wengert errs “publicly” in The Book of Concord