Holy and mighty Lord, who has given us this good land for our inheritance, we ask that We may always prove ourselves a people, mindful of your favor and glad to do your will. Bless our nation with honorable industry and sound learning. Save us from violence, Discord and confusion, from pride and arrogance and […]
Forde got out of Biblicism; you can, too – 16
Forde: Neither inerrancy, nor Heilsgeschichte, nor existentialism From Forde’s theological autobiography: But in the seminary it soon became apparent that the ancient tradition was under attack. The attack, however, was not from without but from within. It was not, that is, the inroads of criticism and liberalism, etc., that were the ultimate source of trouble. […]
Forde got out of Biblicism; you can, too – 15
Romans 3:24: “[T]hey are justified by his grace as a gift….” This verse is used by some to justify a semi-Pelagian view of salvation: To be saved, the gift of faith must be received by responding in faith. Thus the believer has a crucial role in salvation. Forde: This semi-Pelagian interpretation of Scripture is wrong: […]
The Lutheran: No Easter Gospel for Children
What to say to children facing the death of a loved one? Death is “as natural as birth and life,” writes Diana Dworin,[1] quoting Theresa Huntley,[2] who also suggests parents seize “teachable moments,” like obituary notices or backyard burials of pets, as ways to “help even a young child learn about the process of grieving.” […]
Golden Oldies– 5 Slick Magic
The ELCA’s Book of Faith is a kind of magic that lures readers to look in the wrong place at the right time. Read more here.