“If our Melanchthonian based free-choice pietism has lost its substance, and if we are appalled or at least worried by the drift of the church toward cultural Protestantism, where do we turn? Here is where the hermeneutic will tend powerfully to influence the choice. If the kind of interpretation suggested by Lindbeck is right, there […]
The real Roman Catholic roadblock to unity – (hint: not gay sex)
Sharing Communion by 2017 between Lutherans and Roman Catholics!? Munib Younan, LWF President: “Our intention is to arrive at 2017 with a common Roman Catholic-Lutheran declaration on Eucharistic hospitality.”[1] BUT: That’s in “…the far and ultimately unreachable distance,” states Walter Cardinal Kasper. For Rome sharing communion is “unreachable” if a church has women bishops – […]
Forde Fest 3!
Monday, June 18, 2012 Engelbrecht claims: Major Lutheran scholars are wrong about a third use of the law. Including Forde…. 10:00 – 2:00 p.m. Holy Nativity Lutheran Church, 3900 Winnetka Ave No., New Hope, MN Cost: $10.00 for lunch and handouts Sign up by contacting one of the three people below: Stew Carlson [email protected] (651/207-3939) […]