Everything – except what really counts

ELCA Bishop Peter Rogness reports to the ELCA Conference of Bishops that our post, “Lutherans: Hands Off!” — is much-ado-about-nothing. To the contrary, it’s much-ado-about-the-main-thing: The touch which alone gives bishops the special grace to ordain other clergy and make Christ present in the Eucharist. Rogness doesn’t get it. His report shows he’s uninformed about […]

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Wingren on Ministry

Gustaf Wingren (1910-2000) was no ivory tower theologian. He spoke out about the necessary consequences of the gospel for the church. A recent review article on Wingren shines light on many of his achievements but neglects his strong defense of Lutheran ministry over against those traditions which require a sacramental, hierarchical episcopate (Lutheran Quarterly 23:2, […]

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