What is the great “X” in the sky? Constantine’s vision? St. Andrew’s cross? A great “unknown”? A sermon outline for Advent 2. Read more here.
The importance of being anti-evangelical
Evangelical mantras:
- “You can prove you’re a Christian by living a certain way.”
- “You should show the public that you have made a commitment to Christ.”
- “If you’re a Christian, it should show in your life.”
Wrongedy, wrong, wrong, wrong. Evangelical wolves are everywhere, preying on the sheep by requiring visible evidence of faith in word and deed. To drive away these wolves, use Luther’s keys to the Christian life:
- The total righteousness/total sinfulness of the Christian leads to →
- The hiddenness of the Christian life, which leads to →
- The use of common reason in the Christian life.
Read more here
Christ the King Sunday (Revelation 1:4b-8) (sermon outline)
Rejoice the Lord is King!
Happy New Year’s Eve! Today is the last Sunday of this church year. Today we look back all the way to December 1, 2019, the first Sunday in Advent of last year. Next Sunday, November 29, 2020, will be the first Sunday in Advent for the coming year. Read more here
Whatever happened to evil? – sermon outline
>Recently in Vienna an allegedly “primitive” twenty-year-old Muslim terrorist with a seventh century mindset easily deceived his highly educated prison psychologists, police, and other experts, convincing them that he had been deradicalized. They released him, and he soon slaughtered four people and wounded 23 more. Evil easily exploits a sentimental worldview. Read more here.