A sermon for Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, which is so named because in many places Christians have adopted the custom of putting ashes on one’s forehead as a reminder that we are ashes to ashes, dust to dust (Gen 3:19).

Nevertheless, some congregations do not put ashes on the forehead on Ash Wednesday because this practice falls into certain problems, as do other customs for Lent, and that is what we need to look at today.

Read more of the sermon here.

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How to Repent

(I believe that I cannot by my own reason or understanding repent =
I believe that I cannot by my own reason or understanding believe .)

How does repentance work? Most think: first I become aware of my sins, and then I am sorry for them. Then I name them and make amends. More or less. You have to do the best you can, and God will do the rest. That’s what repentance and forgiveness is about. According to the Roman Catholic system defined at Trent here is how it works: Under the supervision of the priest, first you are contrite, then you confess, and then you make satisfaction. Read more here.

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The Pope won’t lift Luther’s excommunication

The 500th Anniversary of Luther’s excommunication was last Sunday, January 3, 2021. Last June around 30 Catholic and Protestant theologians from the Altenberg Ecumenical Discussion Group (Altenberger Ökumenischen Gesprächskreises) wrote to Pope Francis on Pentecost Sunday, urging him to repeal Pope Leo X’s penalty of excommunication against Luther. But Pope Francis refused to do it. Read a contemporary article at Virtue Online and our thoughts on rescinding the excommunication.

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