“The insistence that scripture interprets itself is simply the hermeneutical correlate of justification by faith alone.” [1] “Take Christ out of the Scriptures and what will you find left in them?”[2]
Author: admin
ELCA Bishop Promotes Barth, Avoids Lutheran Categories
Barth famously said: “Preach with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other,” and of course the Bible is trump. But Barth also famously rejected law and gospel for gospel and law. It makes all the difference. When Bishop Duane C. Pederson (NW WI) in The Lutheran (August, 2010, pp. 24-25) advocates the Barthian approach, […]
Forde #9 What does this mean?
When Gerhard Forde writes in the previous post: 1. “…all causes are relativized” and “…there are no levers here,” this means: a. There is no “revealed” or “natural” law except the basic content of the law: love and care for the neighbor. Forde: “What the law enjoins is love of and service to the neighbor. […]
Forde got out of Biblicism; you can, too (9)
“First of all, if justification proceeds by way of negation, then the judgment is indeed universal and all causes are relativized. This flows from the very nature of the gospel and cannot be compromised. “Secondly, for Luther’s theology, it seems to me that the only way from such universal negation back to the concrete is […]
A Wedding Prayer that really works
Blessed are you, Father and Lord, Who created joy and gladness, bridegroom and bride, comfort and delight, love and friendship, Who established marriage for the happiness and well-being of men and women, We thank you for the gift of love to these two, and we rejoice on this glad occasion. We put this marriage into […]