“One of the difficulties with the proclamation of the Word is that it collapses too easily inside. We’re incurable insiders. Everything collapses inside. Sometimes I think that instead of talking about the ‘upward’ fall, I should talk about the fall ‘inward.’ “What do I mean by that? Well, of course, what happens in the preaching very often […]
Forde-ism 4
Old Anna lay dying and the pastor came to visit. “Anna,” he asked her, “Do you believe in total depravity?” “Yes, I do,” she answered, “It’s a savin’ doctrine.”
Let’s talk about “blatant sin”
ELCA Bishop Chris Boerger (NW WA) stated that it “is ‘blatant sin’ for human beings to fail to protect creation” (ELCA News Release 11/23/2010). Boerger represented ELCA bishops as leaders from 56 denominations and faith-based organizations called on the US Senate to leave intact the power of the US Environmental Protection Agency to regulate pollutants. He […]
Forde got out of Biblicism; you can, too (11)
“Second, the verbal inspiration theory has the increasingly obvious difficulty that it is unable to deal with facts gained both by research into the Bible and the world around us. For over two hundred years now it has demonstrated its inability to cope with truths established by scientific and historical research. In the face of […]
Forde-ism (3)
“My favorite cartoon in college days was of a long freight train that had ground to a halt in the desert. A set of footprints in the sand stretched all the way from the caboose up to the engine. The engineer was leaning out of the cab explaining sheepishly to the conductor, ‘The fire went […]