Sharing Communion by 2017 between Lutherans and Roman Catholics!? Munib Younan, LWF President: “Our intention is to arrive at 2017 with a common Roman Catholic-Lutheran declaration on Eucharistic hospitality.”[1] BUT: That’s in “…the far and ultimately unreachable distance,” stated Walter Cardinal Kasper in his official capacity as head of the Vatican department, The Pontifical Council […]
No to “Noah”?
But isn’t the film close enough? Isn’t it at least better than most Hollywood productions? Gets a useful discussion about the Bible going? The only question is: Who is God in this film? Yes, the name “the Creator” is used and the word “God” occurs. But the “Covenant God,” the God who creates a world based on the […]
At least there’s the Ten Commandments, isn’t there?
Do Luther and Forde regard the Ten Commandments as divine revelation? Human codes? Read more here
“Spontaneity” has more than one meaning
It has been said that for Lutherans ethics is “spontaneous” rather than legalistic. But “spontaneous” can mean “doing what comes naturally” or being free to use our heads in the battles of life. Which is it? Read more here.
ELCA Presiding Bishop Eaton and “the cross”
ELCA Presiding Bishop Eaton and “the cross” What kind of Lutheran is Elizabeth Eaton, the new ELCA Presiding Bishop? Outgoing Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson says of her: “She is a wise theologian committed to a strong Lutheran evangelical witness….”[1] To be sure, she’s known to point to the cross: “On our own we are helpless […]