Minneapolis: Gayest City in America
Move over, San Francisco. Minneapolis is #1 in the February issue of the gay magazine, The Advocate, which notes: “In the past decade, Minneapolis has become the gay magnet city of the Midwest. … This is where the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America took a historic leap forward and voted to accept gay and lesbian […]
CCM 10 years out: ELCA hooked but not landed
January 2011 marks the tenth anniversary of Called to Common Mission (CCM), the Lutheran-Episcopal agreement for “full communion.” It’s been a non-event because the ELCA, although hooked, has not been landed. What is CCM really about? One of its architects, the Rev. Canon J. Robert Wright, has said: “I think they [ELCA leaders] see us […]
The gay/lesbian agenda didn’t work
The Episcopal Diocese of Newark is steadily losing members and money. One third of the congregations are served by part-time clergy (with the trend continuing). “While the diocese and [former Bishop John Shelby] Spong garnered significant publicity for ordaining an AIDS ridden priest who later died, the diocese has not turned around under the slightly […]
Forde-ism #6
“Back in the 19th century and up into our century, people liked to talk about doing kingdom work – full-time kingdom work. Those of us who were preachers or teachers at the seminary were full-time workers in the kingdom and the rest of you folks were just part-timers. “But of course that was a mistaken […]