In the News

Memories of Nino | Hadley Arkes | First Things On natural law. The case for caution over the pope/patriarch meeting – CRUX Was Friday’s meeting more than a photo-op? An everyday Mohamed fights terrorism with cartoons In the war for young people’s hearts and minds, Mohamed Ahmed hopes to use cartoons to dissuade a generation raised […]

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In the News

Obama’s mosque visit and gender apartheid – Asra Nomani Muslim woman offers tough love advice for Christians in interfaith worship. Read more here. The God Profusion – Naomi Riley Europe’s churches are empty – but don’t take that as a sign of reason’s triumph. More than half of Icelanders believe in elves and trolls. Read more […]

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In the News

Political Action and the Primacy of the Good — Daniel Mahoney “Manent thus proposes a “social contract” with French Muslims that accepts them as they are, along with their moral practices, with two notable and crucial exceptions. He argues that the burqa is inadmissible because “it prevents the exchange of signs by which a human […]

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