“The first tip-off that Greg Mortenson’s memoir Three Cups of Tea has some credibility issues comes in the book’s introduction. Co-author David Oliver Relin writes that as Mortenson is flying over Pakistan, the helicopter pilot marvels to Mortenson, ‘I’ve been flying in northern Pakistan for 40 years. How is it you know the terrain better […]
Author: admin
Forde-ism 9
Forde on Christian growth “ ‘The calling’ is to serve God. One shouldn’t mistake the idea of [the] calling to be that we receive some kind of mysterious message from God about what we’re supposed to be doing. We are supposed to be serving God in whatever we’re doing. So that the major point of […]
Forde Fest 2!
Monday, June 13, 2011 The Christian life according to Forde: Not discipleship, but two kingdoms Read more here.
Hymns Ancient and Modern rejected
A church organist, an “Anglican agnostic,” writes: “Indeed, you could say that several – The Church’s one foundation, for example, and Praise to the holiest – rehearse the whole Christian doctrine in a handful of verses, unlike the pop pap that characterises many modern hymns. These are notable for the paucity of their musical and […]
Forde-ism 8
“Luther tells how on Good Friday he was meditating on the wounds of Christ when suddenly a vision of the Savior appeared on the wall. He said: ‘I thought maybe it was a celestial vision. However, it occurred to me that our Lord Christ appeared on earth in a much more humble and meaner fashion […]