Monday, June 18, 2012 Engelbrecht claims: Major Lutheran scholars are wrong about a third use of the law. Including Forde…. 10:00 – 2:00 p.m. Holy Nativity Lutheran Church, 3900 Winnetka Ave No., New Hope, MN Cost: $10.00 for lunch and handouts Sign up by contacting one of the three people below: Stew Carlson [email protected] (651/207-3939) […]
Author: admin
Forde got out of Biblicism; you can, too – 13
The Bible says: “Repent and believe in the gospel.”[1] Does that mean that Forde was wrong? Does that mean that salvation is mostly God’s doing and partly ours? Forde writes: “‘We have to do something, don’t we?’ – that is the pious sounding cry. Rather than face the question of death and life, we hope […]
Responsive Prayer for Thanksgiving
P: Let us pray: P: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good C: For his steadfast love endures forever P: Give thanks to the God of gods C: For his steadfast love endures forever P: Give thanks to the Lord of lords C: For his steadfast love endures forever P: To him who […]
The Vatican clamps down on the Vatican
Vatican office of “justice and peace” issues document calling for one world government. Vatican secretary of state disowns document. Vatican newspaper rips it to shreds. Read more here.
Golden Oldies 4 – Because Christ did it all, we are free
As Bernard Lohse wrote: our “Reformation understanding [is] that there is basically no difference between the offices of bishop and pastor.” Read more here.