Karl Barth and the all-sufficient word “indeed”

Do you want to appear intelligent and attentive in any conversation? Karl Barth once said that you only need one word: Indeed.   To strongly affirm…indeed! To be noncommittal…rub your chin and say…indeed Questioning, raise your eyebrows…indeed? To be blandly neutral, sigh and say…indeed Bored to tears, politely nod and say…indeed………… Express surprise…indeed!? To give […]

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In the News

Pronouns, Ordinary People, and the War over Reality – Anthony Esolen Do not dismiss the war on pronouns. Read more here. Pope’s words open door to confusion – Michelle Smith “Francis is fond of ‘creating a mess.’ Mission accomplished.” Read more here. “Freedom” vs. “Liberty” – Stephanie Russell The word “liberty” brings something extra to […]

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