Holiness is beyond us

A Sermon for the Season of Pentecost

Mark 2:23-3:6

A teacher once said: “All thinking in Christianity is summed up in the problem of the relationship between the Old and New Testaments.” A lot of the problems are there. But that teacher may not be steering us rightly because it doesn’t matter where you begin – you can begin at the beginning or begin at the end – all of it is tied together, and it is one.

What then should be our starting point? You start with what the problem is. And the problem is sin and death. We are caught in an inevitable run through sin to death, and the question is: How can we get out of it? What can be done?

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The Little Gospel

John 3:1-17

A Sermon for the First Sunday after Pentecost

What draws the lessons together today is love. It is a very difficult matter because our culture is full of talk about love. If you look at the media, it’s all about: What is love? How does love work?
How do we keep from having the culture determine what it means?

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Pentecost Sunday

John 15:2-27; 16:4b-15

A Sermon for Pentecost Sunday

Some years ago, a missionary to New Guinea returned to his home congregation in the US and said to his pastor that the big challenge on the mission field was the problem of spirituality.
That missionary’s question goes to the heart of Pentecost Sunday. In order to get at this question of “spirit” and spirituality, it is helpful to go back to the Reformation itself.

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The Festival of the Ascension

Acts 1: 1-11; Luke 24:44-53

A Sermon for the Festival of the Ascension

On this Sunday which is closest to the Festival of the Ascension (May 9), there is something that is important for us to be aware of and that is that Jesus is present in a different way.

Let’s go back and see it from the point of view of those apostles. Remember first of all that there was that enormous defeat because the one that they followed was crucified, and they all fled. Of all things, there was a victory; he arose from the dead!

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Truthiness vs. Truth

John 15:9-17

A Sermon for the Sixth Sunday of Easter

We begin today with forgeries, fallacies, and fakes. They have all been used to attack the Gospel from the First Century until now. We’ll take up two examples from this century, The Da Vinci Code and the “Gospel of Judas.”

The Da Vinci Code is a mystery thriller written by Dan Brown (2004), based on the idea that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married, had a child, and their bloodline continued through history. The book became a massive bestseller and was translated into forty-four languages and made into a hit movie. As of 2009 over 80 million copies of the book had been sold. To be sure, the book was panned by many as second-rate. One British reviewer called it a “load of codswallop,” that is, a heap of hokum and nonsense.

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