A Connecticut man was sentenced to death Monday for a night of terror inside a suburban home. Read here. Did you know that the ELCA is committed to the abolition of the death penalty?[1] Read the ELCA policy statement here and a critique here. Where do you stand? With the jury? Or the ELCA? A […]
“Pan-Lutheranism” = pandemonium
Is there some sort of general Lutheranism which provides a pan-Lutheran big tent for the 21st century? Read more here.
Words Make a Difference: “Christian”
What’s the proper adjective to modify “Church” in the Third Article of the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds: Should it be “holy Christian church” or “holy catholic Church”? Luther used Christlich, the common German translation of catholicam. Today French Lutherans use universelle = universal. Swedes say allmännelig = everywhere. Norwegians say almen = everywhere. Germans say […]
Luther and Halloween
Trick or treat? How does the devil trick us? He comes disguised as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). Below Luther tells of how Christ appeared to him and he dismissed the vision as an illusion of the devil: “Christ once appeared visible here on earth . . . and according to the divine […]
We are not free to “Gospel-plus”
Gospel plus other religions makes “another” gospel Gospel plus bringing his kingdom on earth makes “another” gospel Gospel plus any required works makes “another” gospel Gospel plus a required church structure makes “another” gospel Gospel plus sentimentalized Luv, ignoring damages, makes “another” gospel Gospel plus required experiences makes “another” gospel